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How to Keep Slippers From Smelling

Stinky slippers got you down? It’s a common problem—you finally kick off those shoes after a long day, only to be hit by an unpleasant odor wafting from your cozy footwear. But fear not! With the right techniques and a little bit of care, you can keep your slippers smelling as fresh as the day you bought them. In this blog post, we’ll explore why slippers start to stink, offer practical tips on selecting odor-resistant designs, and provide a step-by-step guide to maintaining an odor-free sanctuary for your feet. Whether you’re a homeowner, a busy parent, or simply someone who loves their shoes, this guide will equip you with the know-how to banish those pesky smells for good.

How to Keep Slippers From Smelling

Reasons for Slippers Start to Smell

Understanding why slippers smell is the first step to preventing it. Generally, footwear starts to stink because of the accumulation of sweat and bacteria. When you wear slippers without socks, sweat gets absorbed into the material. Over time, this environment becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, which are the main culprits behind that foul scent.

Another reason slippers smell is due to moisture build-up. Walking around the house in slippers can expose them to spills, wet floors, or even just the natural humidity in the air. This moisture, coupled with the warmth from your feet, creates an ideal breeding ground for odor-causing bacteria.

Additionally, the material of the slippers themselves can contribute to the problem. Some materials are less breathable, trapping heat and moisture inside. This makes it difficult for any sweat or dampness to evaporate, leaving your slippers damp and smelly.

Choosing Slippers with Breathable Materials

When it comes to combating slipper odor, prevention is key. One effective strategy is to choose slippers made from breathable materials. Natural fibers like cotton, wool, and bamboo allow air to circulate, reducing moisture build-up and helping keep your feet dry. These materials also tend to be more absorbent, wicking moisture away from your feet.

Another great option is slippers with mesh panels or ventilated designs. These features enhance airflow, further promoting dryness and reducing the risk of odor. Look for slippers with removable insoles or liners that can be easily cleaned or aired out.

It’s also worth considering slippers treated with antimicrobial finishes or infused with odor-neutralizing agents. These treatments can help combat bacteria growth, keeping your slippers fresh longer. While these options may be slightly more expensive, the investment is worth the peace of mind knowing your slippers are odor-resistant.

Easy Guide to Keeping Slippers Odor-Free

Using Baking Soda to Absorb Odors

Baking soda is a natural odor absorber that can work wonders for smelly slippers. To use baking soda, sprinkle a generous amount inside your slippers, making sure it covers the entire surface. Leave it overnight to work its magic.

In the morning, shake out the excess baking soda and vacuum the inside of the slippers to remove any remaining powder. You can repeat this process as needed to maintain a fresh scent. For extra freshness, add a few drops of essential oil to the baking soda before sprinkling it inside your slippers.

If you’re concerned about baking soda spilling, consider placing the powder inside a coffee filter or a small sachet, then tuck it inside the slippers. This keeps the baking soda contained while allowing it to absorb odors effectively.

Applying Foot Powder or Antiperspirant

Foot powders and antiperspirants are another effective way to combat slipper odor. Foot powders are designed to absorb moisture and neutralize odors, making them an excellent choice for keeping your slippers fresh.

Simply sprinkle a small amount of foot powder inside your slippers before wearing them. The powder will absorb any sweat and help prevent bacteria growth, keeping your slippers odor-free.

Antiperspirants designed for feet can also help by reducing sweat production. Apply a thin layer to your feet before slipping into your slippers. This can be especially helpful during warmer months or for those prone to sweaty feet.

Regularly Washing or Cleaning Slippers

Regular cleaning is essential for maintaining fresh slippers. Check the care label on your slippers to determine if they are machine washable. If they are, use a gentle cycle with cold water and mild detergent to clean them.

For non-washable slippers, spot-clean them using a damp cloth and a small amount of mild soap. Scrub gently to remove dirt and odors, then rinse with a clean, damp cloth. Allow them to air dry completely before wearing them again.

Remember to wash or replace any removable insoles or liners separately. These components often accumulate the most odor and can benefit from thorough cleaning.

Drying Slippers Properly After Use

Proper drying is crucial to preventing odors in slippers. After washing or cleaning your slippers, stuff them with newspaper or paper towels to absorb excess moisture. This helps them retain their shape and speeds up the drying process.

Place the slippers in a well-ventilated area to air dry completely. Avoid placing them near direct heat sources, as this can cause damage to the materials. Sun drying can also be effective, as the UV rays help kill bacteria and freshen up the slippers.

If your slippers are consistently exposed to moisture, consider using a shoe dryer or placing them near a dehumidifier to ensure they dry thoroughly between uses.

Storing Slippers in a Dry, Cool Place

Proper storage plays a significant role in maintaining fresh slippers. Keep your slippers in a dry, cool place when not in use. Avoid storing them in damp areas like bathrooms, as the humidity can encourage bacteria growth.

Consider using a breathable shoe bag or a fabric pouch for storage. This allows air circulation and keeps your slippers protected from dust and dirt. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and lead to odors.

If space allows, place a small sachet of baking soda or dried lavender in the storage area to help absorb any lingering odors and keep your slippers smelling pleasant.

Tips and Tricks for Preventing Smelly Slippers

In addition to the steps mentioned above, here are some extra tips to keep your slippers odor-free:

  1. Rotate Socks: Change your socks daily, especially if you wear slippers frequently. Fresh socks help reduce the transfer of sweat and odor to your slippers.
  2. Use Cedar Shoe Inserts: Cedar wood naturally absorbs moisture and has antimicrobial properties. Place cedar shoe inserts inside your slippers to keep them fresh and dry.
  3. Avoid Wearing Slippers Outdoors: While it may be tempting to step outside briefly, avoiding outdoor use helps prevent dirt, moisture, and bacteria from entering your slippers. This can significantly contribute to keeping them odor-free.
  4. Air Out Slippers: After wearing, give your slippers some time to air out before storing them. This helps release any trapped odors and moisture.
  5. Keep Feet Clean: Regularly wash your feet with soap and water to reduce bacteria on the skin. This can help prevent odor-causing bacteria from developing in your slippers.

FAQs about Keeping Slippers From Smelling

How often should I wash or clean my slippers?

It’s best to follow the care instructions on your slippers. However, as a general rule, aim to wash or clean them every 1-2 weeks if you wear them frequently.

What can I do if my slippers have a strong odor that won’t go away?

If baking soda or foot powder isn’t effective, you may need to deep clean your slippers using a specialized shoe cleaner. Alternatively, consider replacing the insoles or liners with fresh ones.

Can I put my slippers in the dryer after washing them?

It’s generally not recommended to put slippers in the dryer, as the high heat can cause damage to the materials. Instead, stuff them with newspaper and allow them to air dry completely.

How do I know if my slippers are causing foot odor?

If your feet have a strong unpleasant smell after wearing your slippers, this is a sign that they may be contributing to foot odor. Consider implementing some of the tips mentioned above or replacing your slippers if the issue persists.

Can I use essential oils to freshen my slippers?

Yes, essential oils can be an excellent way to freshen up your slippers. Just a few drops of oils like tea tree or lavender can help neutralize odors and provide a pleasant scent. You can dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil or water and apply it lightly to the insides of your slippers. Be sure to test it on a small area first to ensure it doesn’t affect the material.

Are there specific materials that are better for preventing slipper odor?

Yes, certain materials are more breathable and moisture-wicking, which can help prevent slipper odor. Natural materials such as cotton, wool, or leather tend to allow better airflow, reducing sweat accumulation. If odor prevention is a priority, consider choosing slippers made from these materials, as they are less likely to trap moisture and bacteria compared to synthetic materials.


Keeping your slippers fresh doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By selecting breathable materials, maintaining proper hygiene, and following our step-by-step guide, you can enjoy cozy, odor-free slippers all year round. Remember, a little maintenance goes a long way in preserving the longevity and comfort of your favorite footwear.

For those seeking more personalized guidance, consider booking a consultation with a cleaning expert who can offer tailored advice and solutions. With these tips in hand, your slippers will remain a pleasant and welcoming part of your home, creating a comfortable haven for your feet.

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